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Форум » Флейм » Общение » Читаете ли Вы Башорг? (делимся смешными цитатками:))
Читаете ли Вы Башорг?
SwobbyTomДата: Суббота, 16.11.2013, 05:33 | Сообщение # 316
Группа: Гости

... постинг постинг постинг
attegoBugДата: Понедельник, 18.11.2013, 19:50 | Сообщение # 317
Группа: Гости

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I was also told that the recording may have been interrupted by a call even though the phone and text log showed no incoming or outgoing calls or texts during any time of the scheduled recording time and finally when I questioned why I was able to download recordings set five minute after the recordings in question, despite all the other excuses I received, I was told that the company was in the process of moving data from one server to the next and if the status did not change in 24hrs than I would probably not be able to download the file and finally after more than 12hrs from the initial email I sent regarding this problem I received an email from customer support with yet again another excuse as to why the status of the recording had not changed which was; “Please be informed that currently we have a long queue of media files on the server. I like different gadgets I can “fumble” with; I adore hackingnew software features and finding out their possible bugs! spyphone software. I will definitely try out their services in the future. They have policy that you will receive a response in 1 to 2 business days. http://www.webjam.com/wwwpctoolscomspyware4302 - http://www.webjam.com/wwwpctoolscomspyware4302 - wwwpctoolscomspyware free spyware virus removal programs.
I also use it for my small business, and I consider this application an asset. After rooting the device I finally could record not only phone calls, but Skype conversation as well. The phones updates to the console are VERY SLOW and rarely happen as your settings specify. Each time a new version of iOS comes out you have to do the whole jailbreak again.
I love the fact that I can have it installed on any device without the owner ever finding out that it is there. So thanks to this product for allowing me to catch my sons drug habits.

Добавлено (03.12.2013, 23:04)
I was also told that the recording may have been interrupted by a call even though the phone and text log showed no incoming or outgoing calls or texts during any time of the scheduled recording time and finally when I questioned why I was able to download recordings set five minute after the recordings in question, despite all the other excuses I received, I was told that the company was in the process of moving data from one server to the next and if the status did not change in 24hrs than I would probably not be able to download the file and finally after more than 12hrs from the initial email I sent regarding this problem I received an email from customer support with yet again another excuse as to why the status of the recording had not changed which was; “Please be informed that currently we have a long queue of media files on the server. I like different gadgets I can “fumble” with; I adore hackingnew software features and finding out their possible bugs! spyphone software. I will definitely try out their services in the future. They have policy that you will receive a response in 1 to 2 business days. http://www.webjam.com/wwwpctoolscomspyware4302 - http://www.webjam.com/wwwpctoolscomspyware4302 - wwwpctoolscomspyware free spyware virus removal programs.
I also use it for my small business, and I consider this application an asset. After rooting the device I finally could record not only phone calls, but Skype conversation as well. The phones updates to the console are VERY SLOW and rarely happen as your settings specify. Each time a new version of iOS comes out you have to do the whole jailbreak again.
I love the fact that I can have it installed on any device without the owner ever finding out that it is there. So thanks to this product for allowing me to catch my sons drug habits.

Добавлено (03.12.2013, 23:04)
I was also told that the recording may have been interrupted by a call even though the phone and text log showed no incoming or outgoing calls or texts during any time of the scheduled recording time and finally when I questioned why I was able to download recordings set five minute after the recordings in question, despite all the other excuses I received, I was told that the company was in the process of moving data from one server to the next and if the status did not change in 24hrs than I would probably not be able to download the file and finally after more than 12hrs from the initial email I sent regarding this problem I received an email from customer support with yet again another excuse as to why the status of the recording had not changed which was; “Please be informed that currently we have a long queue of media files on the server. I like different gadgets I can “fumble” with; I adore hackingnew software features and finding out their possible bugs! spyphone software. I will definitely try out their services in the future. They have policy that you will receive a response in 1 to 2 business days. http://www.webjam.com/wwwpctoolscomspyware4302 - http://www.webjam.com/wwwpctoolscomspyware4302 - wwwpctoolscomspyware free spyware virus removal programs.
I also use it for my small business, and I consider this application an asset. After rooting the device I finally could record not only phone calls, but Skype conversation as well. The phones updates to the console are VERY SLOW and rarely happen as your settings specify. Each time a new version of iOS comes out you have to do the whole jailbreak again.
I love the fact that I can have it installed on any device without the owner ever finding out that it is there. So thanks to this product for allowing me to catch my sons drug habits.

Добавлено (03.12.2013, 23:04)
I was also told that the recording may have been interrupted by a call even though the phone and text log showed no incoming or outgoing calls or texts during any time of the scheduled recording time and finally when I questioned why I was able to download recordings set five minute after the recordings in question, despite all the other excuses I received, I was told that the company was in the process of moving data from one server to the next and if the status did not change in 24hrs than I would probably not be able to download the file and finally after more than 12hrs from the initial email I sent regarding this problem I received an email from customer support with yet again another excuse as to why the status of the recording had not changed which was; “Please be informed that currently we have a long queue of media files on the server. I like different gadgets I can “fumble” with; I adore hackingnew software features and finding out their possible bugs! spyphone software. I will definitely try out their services in the future. They have policy that you will receive a response in 1 to 2 business days. http://www.webjam.com/wwwpctoolscomspyware4302 - http://www.webjam.com/wwwpctoolscomspyware4302 - wwwpctoolscomspyware free spyware virus removal programs.
I also use it for my small business, and I consider this application an asset. After rooting the device I finally could record not only phone calls, but Skype conversation as well. The phones updates to the console are VERY SLOW and rarely happen as your settings specify. Each time a new version of iOS comes out you have to do the whole jailbreak again.
I love the fact that I can have it installed on any device without the owner ever finding out that it is there. So thanks to this product for allowing me to catch my sons drug habits.

Добавлено (03.12.2013, 23:04)
I was also told that the recording may have been interrupted by a call even though the phone and text log showed no incoming or outgoing calls or texts during any time of the scheduled recording time and finally when I questioned why I was able to download recordings set five minute after the recordings in question, despite all the other excuses I received, I was told that the company was in the process of moving data from one server to the next and if the status did not change in 24hrs than I would probably not be able to download the file and finally after more than 12hrs from the initial email I sent regarding this problem I received an email from customer support with yet again another excuse as to why the status of the recording had not changed which was; “Please be informed that currently we have a long queue of media files on the server. I like different gadgets I can “fumble” with; I adore hackingnew software features and finding out their possible bugs! spyphone software. I will definitely try out their services in the future. They have policy that you will receive a response in 1 to 2 business days. http://www.webjam.com/wwwpctoolscomspyware4302 - http://www.webjam.com/wwwpctoolscomspyware4302 - wwwpctoolscomspyware free spyware virus removal programs.
I also use it for my small business, and I consider this application an asset. After rooting the device I finally could record not only phone calls, but Skype conversation as well. The phones updates to the console are VERY SLOW and rarely happen as your settings specify. Each time a new version of iOS comes out you have to do the whole jailbreak again.
I love the fact that I can have it installed on any device without the owner ever finding out that it is there. So thanks to this product for allowing me to catch my sons drug habits.

Добавлено (03.12.2013, 23:04)
I was also told that the recording may have been interrupted by a call even though the phone and text log showed no incoming or outgoing calls or texts during any time of the scheduled recording time and finally when I questioned why I was able to download recordings set five minute after the recordings in question, despite all the other excuses I received, I was told that the company was in the process of moving data from one server to the next and if the status did not change in 24hrs than I would probably not be able to download the file and finally after more than 12hrs from the initial email I sent regarding this problem I received an email from customer support with yet again another excuse as to why the status of the recording had not changed which was; “Please be informed that currently we have a long queue of media files on the server. I like different gadgets I can “fumble” with; I adore hackingnew software features and finding out their possible bugs! spyphone software. I will definitely try out their services in the future. They have policy that you will receive a response in 1 to 2 business days. http://www.webjam.com/wwwpctoolscomspyware4302 - http://www.webjam.com/wwwpctoolscomspyware4302 - wwwpctoolscomspyware free spyware virus removal programs.
I also use it for my small business, and I consider this application an asset. After rooting the device I finally could record not only phone calls, but Skype conversation as well. The phones updates to the console are VERY SLOW and rarely happen as your settings specify. Each time a new version of iOS comes out you have to do the whole jailbreak again.
I love the fact that I can have it installed on any device without the owner ever finding out that it is there. So thanks to this product for allowing me to catch my sons drug habits.

Добавлено (03.12.2013, 23:04)
I was also told that the recording may have been interrupted by a call even though the phone and text log showed no incoming or outgoing calls or texts during any time of the scheduled recording time and finally when I questioned why I was able to download recordings set five minute after the recordings in question, despite all the other excuses I received, I was told that the company was in the process of moving data from one server to the next and if the status did not change in 24hrs than I would probably not be able to download the file and finally after more than 12hrs from the initial email I sent regarding this problem I received an email from customer support with yet again another excuse as to why the status of the recording had not changed which was; “Please be informed that currently we have a long queue of media files on the server. I like different gadgets I can “fumble” with; I adore hackingnew software features and finding out their possible bugs! spyphone software. I will definitely try out their services in the future. They have policy that you will receive a response in 1 to 2 business days. http://www.webjam.com/wwwpctoolscomspyware4302 - http://www.webjam.com/wwwpctoolscomspyware4302 - wwwpctoolscomspyware free spyware virus removal programs.
I also use it for my small business, and I consider this application an asset. After rooting the device I finally could record not only phone calls, but Skype conversation as well. The phones updates to the console are VERY SLOW and rarely happen as your settings specify. Each time a new version of iOS comes out you have to do the whole jailbreak again.
I love the fact that I can have it installed on any device without the owner ever finding out that it is there. So thanks to this product for allowing me to catch my sons drug habits.

Добавлено (03.12.2013, 23:04)
I was also told that the recording may have been interrupted by a call even though the phone and text log showed no incoming or outgoing calls or texts during any time of the scheduled recording time and finally when I questioned why I was able to download recordings set five minute after the recordings in question, despite all the other excuses I received, I was told that the company was in the process of moving data from one server to the next and if the status did not change in 24hrs than I would probably not be able to download the file and finally after more than 12hrs from the initial email I sent regarding this problem I received an email from customer support with yet again another excuse as to why the status of the recording had not changed which was; “Please be informed that currently we have a long queue of media files on the server. I like different gadgets I can “fumble” with; I adore hackingnew software features and finding out their possible bugs! spyphone software. I will definitely try out their services in the future. They have policy that you will receive a response in 1 to 2 business days. http://www.webjam.com/wwwpctoolscomspyware4302 - http://www.webjam.com/wwwpctoolscomspyware4302 - wwwpctoolscomspyware free spyware virus removal programs.
I also use it for my small business, and I consider this application an asset. After rooting the device I finally could record not only phone calls, but Skype conversation as well. The phones updates to the console are VERY SLOW and rarely happen as your settings specify. Each time a new version of iOS comes out you have to do the whole jailbreak again.
I love the fact that I can have it installed on any device without the owner ever finding out that it is there. So thanks to this product for allowing me to catch my sons drug habits.

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